Blog posts tagged with 'Perfection'

How Can Perfection Exist?
On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate yourself? More often than not, we place ourselves or another person as less or greater than the others. Someone is more perfect for the job, as a friend, or a lover. We have dream jobs, relationship, friendship, and a whole lot of other goals that we aspire to achieve someday of what we thought is the perfect situation. We have a classification for everything: from best to worst. That’s why we all strive to be the best versions of ourselves - one who isn’t flawed, a faultless character.   “Perfect.” A seven-letter word that shouldn’t even exist because it isn’t real. We know by heart that perfection is where someone or something is free from all flaws or defects. And that it is something that cannot be reached... ever. Because if something is “perfect”, it would make them different, making them “imperfect”. Knowing this, why are we still seeking it? As curious and clever beings, we like to bend the rules in order to find ways to be as close to perfection as possible. This word is so diverse - what is perfect for a person may vary to another. Skin tones are no exception. One color is desired while the other is mocked. What do we do? Make it so that your skin won’t be as disagreeable anymore.   “The world will see you the way you see you, and treat you the way you treat yourself” – Beyonce   The relentless quest for perfection creates problems. You are persistently trying to change, but never end up feeling good about yourself. Why? Because you accept the idea that you are not good enough and will never be. You are fine the way you are… with a little improvement. Don’t change a thing about you if it’s not making you happy. Instead, nurture what you have. And you’ll see the best of what you can be. Never think low of yourself. Be it mestiza, Morena, or dark, all shades are beautiful. Don’t think otherwise. Self-acceptance is vital to your well-being. Accept who you are and be proud of it.