Scars, marks, facial stains, defects, whatever you want to call it – don’t hide behind that mask of unappealing skin.
If you are the daredevil or adventurous type, chances are you are carrying an evidence or two of your escapades somewhere on your body. While it certainly is filled with memories, it doesn’t necessarily need to be shown.
Here are our top products for a silky-soft unblemished skin.

Rosehip Oil – No need for costly treatment. Just a few drops a day and you’ll soon say goodbye to stretchmarks and scarred skin. Got a seemingly hopeless mark? No worries! Rosehip oil is a highly potent oil that can flatten keloidal and post-surgical scars. Hallelujah!
In fact, it’s Korina’s wonder worker,
“I knew that this product, the Rosehip Oil by V&M Naturals, is a hit or miss. It works wonders for some skin types and breaks out others. I was desperate and wanted to get rid of my acne marks, so I bought it. I'm so happy that it worked really well with my skin, recent acne marks fade in a couple of days and my old acne marks are getting lighter every week, it also made my skin really soft. Since I have really oily skin I only used at night. I put it on after my acne spot treatment and before my night cream. I recommended it to my friends who have the same skin problems and I'll definitely repurchase this product!”

CPC + G Oil – Hyperpigmented scars are not permanent but they may be veeeery slow to fade. This could really ruin our photo-perfect OOTDs at times. Luckily, there’s a new “It” whitening oil in town – CPC + G Oil. This is our most potent whitening oil that is guaranteed to eliminate your dark marks and blemishes.
Not surprising for Nic to be amazed,
“I didn't use to have acne and now in my mid 20's I am getting adult acne. I did not have clue as to how to handle it and because of that I got BLEMISHED/DARK ACNE SCARS that will not go away... after a year of trying every clean product out there to remove blemishes I saw this and decide to try it. Now 3 days in and marks that are at least 6 months old are disappearing!!!! AS IN ALMOST GONE! I cannot believe it! This product is magic! It's clean and safe and it works!!! I did get scared at first cause when I pumped it into my hand the first time it was soon warm! never had that experience with a product before but it is relaxing when you get used to the warmth. Totally works.”

Brightening Love Plant Oil – For continuous skin renewal that you can rely on lightening your skin, you better use this oil. It strongly inhibits production of melanin (dark pigment) and regulates the darkening of skin while targeting your core cells to guarantee the skin lightening effect. You can see the effects as early as 2-8 weeks of regular use.
Just look at how it brightened Maria’s skin at its finest,
“This product really [surprised] me - I love that it is not greasy and dry up easily - best paired with moisturizer for a super smooth and flawless skin. I have bumps before using the brightening oil and as expected it leaves mark on my face but with the use of this magic oil - it lightens. It keeps my skin glowing and I will definitely keep this product on my must-have kit.”